Four years ago I was sitting in a coffee shop drawing for my own amusement and therapy, when a friend suggested that my personal scribbles deserved a larger audience.  At the time I was drawing in local coffee shops.  The idea intrigued me, particularly as others in the coffee shop would tell me, “If you publish a book, I will buy it.”

Not knowing the first thing about publishing a book, I found a book that explained step-by-step how to find an agent and get a book published.  I followed the guidelines religiously.  I was, after all, a professor of religion and philosophy—my day job even now.

This past week has been very exciting for me.  From the isolated world of teaching a few students each semester, I have ventured into the larger world of tradeshows and bookstores.  What fun!  I have always loved books and bookstores.  Now, I am discovering the interesting people who own and manage bookstores—people who love stories and ideas!  The very best of friends…

I feel extremely privileged to have first made many friends through the process of drawing, and now find myself participating in an expanding circle of friends through bookstore owners, and soon through those who purchase Morning Coffee, Afternoon Tea, and Evening Wine for themselves and their friends.

If you purchase the books for yourself or friends, I hope you will post stories and pictures of your own favorite coffee shops, tea rooms, and places where you enjoy evening wine.  Hopefully, my scribbles, beyond adding to the enjoyment of your favorite beverage, will inspire you to create your own work of art or writing on coffee, tea, or wine.

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